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Protection class

How to understand which are the best safety boots suitable for your job and profession?

Puzzle-Shopping gives you the answer and it's quite easy: every safety shoe should be certified with abbreviations that indicate the specific protection they were designed for in order to be considered safety footwear.

The abbreviations you find on work shoes are various and are specific for numerous categories of workers.

Some protection classes, thus, are specific for safety shoes electrician, gasman but for safety boots warehouseman and logistics as well and for many more.

Puzzle-Shopping proposes you the best of safety footwear, such as safety boots S3 or S1, which are the most required, but every single work shoe is specifically designed to be anti-slipping through, for example, the abbreviation SRC or to protect against electric discharges thanks to the ESD safety shoes.

Choose your U-Power work shoes between the various proposals you can find on Puzzle-Shopping!

If you're looking for a style which is not now available on the website, contact us and we'll provide to verify the availability.

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