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The warehouse keeper is for sure a hard work and it's necessary to wear adecuate work shoes to always be energetic and performing at work.
Heavy legs, feet pains and back pain are often a annoying problem caused by using an inadecuate safety shoe.

Puzzle-Shopping proposes you a selection of the best styles of U-Power shoes from S1P to S3 protection class able to guarantee you comfort, safety and energy recover.

All the safety shoes proposed are realized with Airtoe toecap and are antislip. Discover all the features of the single ranges and the advanced technologies applyed such as, the anti-shock heel and the collar in Lycra® fabric of the Red 360 range.

Choose the quality of the U-Power brand! And if you didn't find what you were looking for, no problem! Contact us, it will be our commitment to respond properly to your needs.

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